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The B.A. in History will provide you with a broad knowledge of human history. You'll be able to go everywhere from ancient Rome to the modern Middle East and to study everything from the world wars to the American West. Along the way you’ll learn to read and think critically, to ask good questions and find the resources to answer them, to write and speak persuasively, and to treat others with empathy and respect. Bethel's history major is flexible and fairly small, allowing you options to study abroad, earn a second major, or graduate early. You can pursue your passions through a paid internship at the White Bear Lake Historical Society or on campus at Bethel's History Center archives. You have the chance to learn relevant tech skills, too, in areas like documentary filmmaking, podcasting, blogging, and digital preservation.

What can I do with this degree?

There is almost no college major more versatile than history. Nationwide, the single most popular career for history majors is law, and that only accounts for 15% of us.

While we’ve had alumni go on to work in corporate, family, military, and other forms of law, business and education are even more common careers for Bethel history majors.

  • Almost 30% work in business fields like marketing, recruiting, financial services, sales, and human resources.
  • Those interested in teaching middle or high school students can pair a history major with a Social Studies Education 5-12 degree (the two overlap considerably), or return to school and add a graduate degree in teaching. Some of these educators later become school principals.
  • Other history majors choose to work in higher education. Here at Bethel, our former students fill leading roles in admissions, web services, church relations, and athletics.
  • A few of our students become professional historians, pursuing graduate degrees from schools as prestigious as Columbia University, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Virginia, the University of Minnesota, and Rice University.

But the list of careers stretches much longer than law, business, and education. Our recent graduates work as social entrepreneurs, pastors, political lobbyists, military officers, social workers, nurses, and more.

Don’t take it from us: you can read interviews with about 20 of our alumni at our department blog!

What skills will I develop?

Three stand out: When we asked our alumni, more than 95% said that majoring in history at Bethel improved their abilities in research, writing, and critical thinking. You’ll learn to find patterns in data, evaluate the quality of sources and arguments, understand causation and context, and write everything from a 250-word summary to a 25-page report.

Majoring in history is a great way to pick up digital-age skills, as well. In courses or independent projects, through internships, or by working with our archives and digital library, you’ll have opportunities to learn about documentary filmmaking, podcasting, blogging, and digital preservation.

What unique experiences or opportunities will I have?

  • Learn about teaching, administration, and research as a departmental teaching assistant
  • Work in our archives or digital library
  • Get an internship with the country’s best state historical society
  • Partner with a professor on a summer research project, and conduct your own original research in local or digital archives for your Senior Seminar paper


students in the department


of recent alumni say their studies enhanced their writing, critical thinking, and research abilities

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