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The business and political science major provides students with an understanding of the government's role in society and the interaction between economic and political life. Through these studies, students will be prepared for a wide variety of career paths and opportunities to serve in God’s kingdom.

Why should I study business and political science?

Students study business and political science for a variety of reasons. Some are interested in working for government agencies in administrative positions, while others focus on the intersection of politics and economics and look forward to careers in economic policy or management. Still others seek careers at large businesses that have extensive interaction with government agencies. The business and political science degree is also useful for students interested in pursuing professional degrees at the master’s level, and for students who envision moving between government, business, and nonprofits throughout their careers.

What can I do with this degree?

Business and political science majors have gone on to pursue many different vocations, including:

  • Business
  • City management and administration
  • State or federal government
  • Law
  • Graduate study toward an MBA, MPA, or other master’s level public affairs degree

What skills will I develop?

  • Statistical analysis
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Management
  • Law finance
  • Research
  • Policy analysis
  • Written and oral communication
  • Critical thinking

What unique experiences or opportunities will I have?

  • Internships with private companies, nonprofits, or governmental agencies in the Twin Cities.
  • American Studies Program in Washington, D.C.
  • Study abroad through programs offered in the Department of Business to places like India or Europe.
  • On-campus business or political science clubs


recent alumni continuing their studies in graduate school


full-time faculty in the department