☰ In This Section

State Meets Licensure Requirements License Title Board/Agency Contact Last Reviewed
Alabama Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Alabama State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Alabama State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Professional Leadership Certificate Alabama State Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Alaska Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Mar 30, 2023
Yes School Administrator Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Jul 13, 2023
American Samoa Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website American Samoa Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website American Samoa Department of Education Mar 30, 2023

No license information found

None found American Samoa Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Arizona Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Arizona Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Arizona Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Standard Professional Principal Certificate Arizona Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Arkansas Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Arkansas Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Arkansas Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Building Level Administrator Arkansas Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
California Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrative Services Credential California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Jul 13, 2023
Colorado Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Colorado Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Colorado Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Principal License Colorado Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Connecticut Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Connecticut State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Connecticut State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Intermediate Administration or Supervision Connecticut State Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Delaware Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Delaware Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Delaware Department of Education Mar 30, 2023

Not NCATE/CAPE accredited.

Principal Delaware Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
District of Columbia Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrative Services Credential District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education Jul 13, 2023
Federated States of Micronesia Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program Mar 30, 2023

No license information found

None found The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program Jul 13, 2023
Florida Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Florida Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Florida Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Educational Leadership Florida Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Georgia Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Georgia Professional Standards Commission Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Georgia Professional Standards Commission Mar 30, 2023
Yes Educational Leadership Georgia Professional Standards Commission Jul 13, 2023
Guam Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Guam Commission for Educator Certification Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Guam Commission for Educator Certification Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Administrator Certificate Guam Commission for Educator Certification Jul 13, 2023
Hawaii Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Hawaii Teachers Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Hawaii Teachers Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Yes Principal Hawaii Teachers Standards Board Jul 13, 2023
Idaho Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Idaho State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Idaho State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023

Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course.

School Principal Idaho State Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Illinois Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Illinois State Board of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Illinois State Board of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Principal Illinois State Board of Education Jul 13, 2023
Indiana Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Indiana Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Indiana Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Building Level Administrator Indiana Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Iowa Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Iowa Board of Education Examiners Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Iowa Board of Education Examiners Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Adminstrator License/Principal Iowa Board of Education Examiners Jul 13, 2023
Kansas Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Kansas State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Kansas State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial License/Building Leadership Kansas State Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Kentucky Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Yes Advanced Educational Leadership/Principal Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board Jul 13, 2023
Louisiana Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Louisiana Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Louisiana Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Out of State Certificate/Educational Leader - Level 1 Louisiana Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Maine Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Maine Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Maine Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Building Administrator Maine Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Maryland Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Maryland State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Maryland State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrator II Maryland State Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Massachusetts Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Adminstrator License/Principal Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Jul 13, 2023
Michigan Yes Refer to individual state website Michigan Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Refer to individual state website Michigan Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes School Administrator/Elementary Administrator and Secondary Adminstrator Certificate Michigan Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Minnesota Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Yes Principal Minnesota Board of School Administrators Jul 13, 2023
Mississippi Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Mississippi Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Mississippi Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Entry Level Administrator Mississippi Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Missouri Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Administrator/School Leader Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Jul 13, 2023
Montana Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Montana Office of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Montana Office of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrator/Principal License Montana Office of Public Instruction Jul 13, 2023
Nebraska Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Nebraska Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Nebraska Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Standard Certificate Nebraska Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Nevada Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website State of Nevada Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website State of Nevada Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes School Administrator State of Nevada Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
New Hampshire Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website New Hampshire Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website New Hampshire Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Principal New Hampshire Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
New Jersey Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website State of New Jersey Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website State of New Jersey Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrative Certificate of Eligiblity/Principal State of New Jersey Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
New Mexico Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website New Mexico Public Education Department Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website New Mexico Public Education Department Mar 30, 2023
Yes Educational Administration New Mexico Public Education Department Jul 13, 2023
New York Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website New York Office of Teaching Intiatives Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website New York Office of Teaching Intiatives Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Administrator/School Building New York Office of Teaching Intiatives Jul 13, 2023
North Carolina Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrative/Principal North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Jul 13, 2023
North Dakota Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board Mar 30, 2023
Yes Principal/Elementary, Secondary, or K-12 North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board Jul 13, 2023
Northern Mariana Islands Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes School Administration Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education Jul 13, 2023
Ohio Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Ohio Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Ohio Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Professional Administrator/Principal Ohio Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Oklahoma Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Oklahoma State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Oklahoma State Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrative/Elementary Principal or Secondary Principal Oklahoma State Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Oregon Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission Mar 30, 2023
Yes Basic Administrator/Principal Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission Jul 13, 2023
Pennsylvania Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Pennsylvania Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Pennsylvania Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes School Administrator/Principal Pennsylvania Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Puerto Rico Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website None Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website None Mar 30, 2023
Yes School Director Puerto Rico Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Republic of Marshall Islands Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Marshall Islands Public School System Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Marshall Islands Public School System Mar 30, 2023

No license information found

None found Marshall Islands Public School System Jul 13, 2023
Republic of Palau Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training Mar 30, 2023

No license information found

None found Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training Jul 13, 2023
Rhode Island Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Rhode Island Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Rhode Island Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Administrator/Building Level Administrator Certificate Rhode Island Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
South Carolina Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website South Carolina Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website South Carolina Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Certificate/Elementary Principal or Secondary Principal South Carolina Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
South Dakota Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website South Dakota Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website South Dakota Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Initial Certificate/Principal South Dakota Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Tennessee Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Tennessee Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Tennessee Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Instructional Leader License (ILL) Tennessee Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Texas Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Texas Education Agency Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Texas Education Agency Mar 30, 2023
Yes Principal Texas Education Agency Jul 13, 2023
U.S. Virgin Islands Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education Mar 30, 2023

No license information found

Principal U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Utah Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Utah State Board of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Utah State Board of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes School Leadership Utah State Board of Education Jul 13, 2023
Vermont Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website State of Vermont Agency of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website State of Vermont Agency of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Principal State of Vermont Agency of Education Jul 13, 2023
Virginia Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Virginia Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Virginia Department of Education Mar 30, 2023

Requires exposure to five sites whereas MN only requires three.

Administration and Supervision Virginia Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Washington Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Yes Residency Principal Certificate Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Jul 13, 2023
West Virginia Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website West Virginia Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website West Virginia Department of Education Mar 30, 2023
Yes Provisional Administrative Certificate (Out-of-state)/Principal West Virginia Department of Education Jul 13, 2023
Wisconsin Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Mar 30, 2023
Yes Administrator/Principal Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Jul 13, 2023
Wyoming Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Cannot be determined Refer to individual state website Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board Mar 30, 2023
Yes Standard Educator License/School Administrator Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board Jul 13, 2023